ChatGPT Takes the World by Storm: A Summer of Exploring AI Tools

ChatGPT Takes the World by Storm: Exploring AI Tools for Entrepreneurs, Digital Nomads, and Remote Workers

While some are basking in their vacations in Europe and beyond, we at CoWorking Tulum have been on a different kind of adventure. 

This summer, we have embarked on a journey to explore the vast landscape of AI, and we are excited to share our discoveries with you.

One thing that has truly amazed us is the insane pace of growth in tools like ChatGPT. The possibilities seem endless, and the potential for transforming businesses is mind-boggling. 

However, in contrast, we've also noticed that there are still so many people not using AI to its full potential or not leveraging its true power. 

Today, we plan to share some reasons why AI is a gamechanger (for those that have resisted dabbling in) AND, over the coming weeks, we plan to share some of our favorite tools and real case studies of people who have used AI to transform their business. 

I’m not afraid 

We all recognize by now that AI stands as one of the most significant disruptions since the smartphone became an integral part of our lives! While it's relatively new, there are still many who harbor fears about the future and the potential doom it may bring. However, we wholeheartedly embrace this transformative change with unwavering excitement!

Peter Diamandis, a renowned futurist,  predicts that between 2022-2026, we will experience a century's worth of change. 

He also said.. ““AI won't replace you. A person using AI will”

And we couldn't agree more. You are not replaceable; however, with the power of AI in your hands, you become an unstoppable force, accomplishing that which was once unimaginable! 

This is the best time EVER to do business with some are predicting the largest increase is billionaires in history in the wake of AI enabled business. Now is the time to shine!! 

AI empowers EVERYONE 

With AI tools like ChatGPT, almost anyone, across all industries, can eliminate at least 20% of time wasted on research, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks. For entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and corporate professional, this means increased efficiency and more time for strategic activities OR just more time for play. 

But AI isn't JUST a tool for efficiency; it's a strategic asset. 

At CoWorking Tulum, we have been using AI to validate assumptions, analyze data rapidly, and make better-informed decisions. CEOs, founders, and business leaders or even your grandparents can do the same once they see how easy it is. 

(Side note: We've conducted some low-key workshops on ChatGPT for entrepreneurs, and the results have been astonishing, let us know if you want to join one!).

Move over Harvard/Stanford Degree.. 

AI is your very own virtual genius! 

Using personas and the right tools, you can position yourself with someone who probably spent thousands on university degrees.

It's not magic, but it might as well be! With AI by your side, you become a master of endless possibilities. Need an expert marketer? AI's got you covered. Seeking a data analyst? AI's at your service. Want a financial advisor? You guessed it – AI can do that too!

Gone are the days when a prestigious Harvard or Stanford degree was the sole gateway to success. AI has leveled the playing field, empowering you to stand shoulder to shoulder with the best of the best, all without racking up a mountain of student debt.

The best part is that all you have to do is use EXISTING tools, you don't even have to make them! (To those that are making them.. Thank you!). 

And if you want a job in the AI world, some don't even require a degree or technical knowledge! Netflix recently caused a stir by posting an AI/ML role that could pay up to USD$900K!! (As of today, the role is still live if you want to apply :P ) . Other six-figure roles like prompt engineers can be compensated as much as USD$300K a year for monitoring and assisting ChatGPT type tools. 

Small Investment, Big Returns

Allocating just a few hours per week for AI development can lead to exponential growth in capabilities over time.  

I once read a quote (I forgot who it was by) that I feel applies to this scenario, The quote was “If you are busy, meditate for 30 minutes. If you are really busy, meditate for an hour”.

Replace meditate to this with “research AI” 😛

Most of our day to day tasks and even THINKING can be significantly reduced with the right AI tool. 

The most effective results come from the combination of human creativity and AI capabilities. 

While AI provides scale, speed, and a robust framework, YOU bring the element of refinement and creativity, leading to groundbreaking innovations and opportunities. The more creative you are, the more unique the results. 


The accessibility of AI to the general public has unleashed the potential for entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and remote workers to spearhead a revolutionary era of innovation and exponential growth. 

We are so excited to share relatable use cases and success stories of using AI within our community. Do you have insights and experiences you would like to share about your  own AI journey? If so, let us know and we would love to share them!


Unlocking the Power of AI: Top Tools to Get You Started on Your Journey


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