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Coworking Tulum Coworking Tulum

CoWorking Tulum Sails Croatia - Regatta Edition

Mark your calendars! We are thrilled to invite you to Croatia during Yacht Week from September 5-8, 2023! We are partnering with Yacht Week for a Regatta all-inclusive, private route sailing magical experience. Experience 4 days of leisure against the backdrop of Croatia’s stunning coastline.

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Coworking Tulum Coworking Tulum

From WiFi to Plastic, we find more ways to connect #32

This past weekend, CoWorking Tulum organized a beach clean-up in (what we thought was) the pristine beaches of Sian Ka'an. This UNESCO World Heritage reserve contains tropical forests, mangroves, and marshes, as well as a large marine section intersected by a barrier reef. Yet, the beaches are lined with plastic bottles, crates, shoes, clothes, needles, and discarded trash from none other than... us.

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